Produits / Products

Innova 2.0

Thermopompes - Innova 2.0

Le INNOVA 2.0, une nouvelle approche en climatisation sans unité extérieure, de conception discrète, performante, conçue et développée selon des technologies avancées et innovatrices.

Un appareil de climatisation réversible (thermopompe) capable d’apporter un maximum de confort pour chaque saison.

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Heat pumps - Innova 2.0

The “Innova 2.0” air conditioner/heat pump is a unique through the wall, product that functions without the need of an outdoor compressor unit by incorporating state of the art “monobloc” technology.

Optimal indoor comfort today can be achieved all year long with air conditioning. This has usually meant installing unsightly, bulky condensing units on the exterior of buildings. Not anymore.

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Informations techniques / Technical informations


Thermopompes - HRA-i-PLUS (suspendue au plafond)

Thermopompes - HRA-i-PLUS (Vertical)

Heat pumps - HRA-i-PLUS (Ceiling suspended)

Heat pumps - HRA-i-PLUS (Vertical)

Manuel d'installation - Installation manual

Suspendue au plafond / Ceiling suspended

Verticale / Vertical